Help for the database on Fishing fleet
For an easy and fast use, three different pages have been built. Data on the fishing fleet can be visualized in:
- Ranges of engine power (kW), vessel length over all (LOA), vessel gross tonnage (GT), and year of construction of the vessel;
- Average values (LOA, GT, kW) and sum (GT, kW) of vessels;
- Total number of fishing vessels (or fishing gears).
Several fishing vessels have two licenses, and both have been included in the database.
The databases have been tested across the most common browsers. For quick searches we suggest you do not use Internet Explorer less than version 9.
Characteristics of the fishing vessels (ranges)

In this page, vessel data are grouped in ranges of length over all (LOA), gross tonnage (GT), engine power (kW), year of construction. Data can be referred to the entire fishing fleet or to selected fishing gears. The total of the ranges, and the relative percentage, can be visualized. In the figure above, data of gross tonnage of the entire fishing fleet are visualized.
Characteristics of the fishing vessels (average and total)

In this page, vessel data are reported as average (LOA, GT, kW) and total (GT, kW). Data can be referred to the entire fishing fleet or to selected fishing gears. In the figure above, average data of engine power of bottom trawls are visualized.
Fishing gears

In this page data on fishing gears are reported. Selecting All, the sum of all fishing gears, and the relative percentages, are visualized. Moving the cursor on the graph, the number of boat is reported. In the figure above, data on bottom trawlers are reported with their percentage on the total.
Visualisation options
From the drop-down menus you may:
- modify the selected time period;
- modify the time scales (annual or montly);
- visualise data on line graphs (trend of selected categories) or histograms (cumulative trend of selected categories);
Data are always automatically shown vertically from the highest value of the data.