The Database

The Database
The database contains:
- the official monthly statistics of fish and seafood catches landed at the Chioggia Fish Market. Data go back to 1945
- The statistics of the fishing fleet of Chioggia from 1991 to present, on a monthly base. Raw data were retrieved from the Fleet Register of European Union (
Purpose and users
This database aims at providing precious historical information on fish and seafood products of the northern Adriatic to different types of users: fish biologists, fishermen, resource management administrators, students and citizens. The analysis of fishing data by researchers may provide useful information about the biodiversity changes occurring today and the role played by man. Examination of temporal changes in species may help in identifying management strategies aimed at contrasting the increasing exploitation of resources and their consequent impoverishment.
This information may also be used by fishermen to compare their experience with the historical and general landing trends by Chioggia vessels.
Lastly, since our sense of duty towards environmental conservation derives from knowledge, we hope that this database will also be used by young people wishing to learn about their sea and biological resources.
This database is part of the Clodia Project: for the sustainable development of coastal environments, presented by the Department of Biology of the University of Padua in Chioggia, supported by the City of Chioggia and Legapesca, and funded by the Veneto region in accordance with the Regional Law no. 15/2007.
The database was created thanks to the personnel of the Chioggia Fishing Port who supplied archived data.
Many people have collaborated to this project by providing useful information: Gabriele Baldin (Chioggia Fish Market), Alberto Barausse (Department of Engineering Chemical Processes, University of Padua), Monica Bressan (Department of Biology, University of Padua), Tomaso Fortibuoni (ISPRA Chioggia), Gabriella Marin (Department of Biology, University of Padua) and Sasa Raicevich (ISPRA Chioggia).
The database was designed by Carlotta Mazzoldi, Emilio Riginella and Andrea Sambo (Department of Biology, University of Padua).
How to quote the database
Clodia database, 2023. Database of Fishery Data from Chioggia, Northern Adriatic Sea.
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