Effectss of climate changes and emerging contaminants in some marine invertebrates
Maria Gabriella Marin, Marco Munari, Ilaria Marisa, Davide Asnicar
Research is focused on the evaluation of combined effects of environmental parameters (sea water temperature, salinity and pH), which are relevant in a global change scenario, and exposure to emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals and nanoparticles) in marine invertebrates, mostly bivalves and sea urchins. Using a multi-stress approach in short-, medium- and long-term laboratory experiments, cellular, biochemical and physiological responses are assessed in various life stages of the organisms, from gametes to adults. Particular attention is given to the evaluation of processes and traits related to reproduction (gonad development, gamete quality and interaction, embryo/larval performance) that are pivotal for the maintenance of natural populations of the studied species.
Selected publications
Bressan M., Chinellato A., Munari M., Matozzo V., Manci A., Marčeta T., Finos L., Moro I., Pastore P., Badocco D., Marin M.G., 2014. Does seawater acidification affect survival, growth and shell integrity in bivalve juveniles? Marine Environmental Research 99: 136-148.*
Matozzo V., Chinellato A., Munari M., Bressan M., Marin M.G., 2013. Can the combination of decreased pH and increased temperature values induce oxidative stress in the clam Chamelea gallina and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis? Marine Pollution Bulletin 72 (1): 34-40.
Matozzo V., Chinellato A., Munari M., Finos L., Bressan M., Marin M.G., 2012. First evidence of immunomodulation in bivalves under seawater acidification and increased temperature. PLoS One 7 (3): e33820.
Matozzo V., Formenti A., Donadello G., Marin M.G., 2012. A multi-biomarker approach to assess effects of Triclosan in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Marine Environmental Research 74: 40-46.
Matozzo V., Binelli A., Parolini M., Previato M., Masiero L., Finos L., Bressan M., Marin M.G., 2012. Biomarker responses in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum and contamination levels in sediments from seaward and landward sites in the Lagoon of Venice. Ecological Indicators 19: 191–205.
* Data included in the Database Pangaea , Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science, Alfred Wegener Institute di Bremerhaven, Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)