Alberto Barausse

Conservation and management of coastal-marine ecosystems: an integrated approach
Coastal-marine ecosystems are complex: many human activities take place there or influence them, generating multiple pressures on biodiversity and corresponding to a large number of stakeholders. The conservation and management of coastal-marine ecosystems therefore requires a large scientific knowledge base and the integration of diverse methodologies, skills and disciplines. This research activity focuses on tools such as ecological modelling, time series analysis and historical ecology, coastal biodiversity monitoring aimed to develop predictive and/or management tools, quantification of ecological processes and ecosystem services and their valuation, nature-based solutions, Local Ecological Knowledge e.g. of fishers, and the integration of these different tools to support decisions in management and conservation. Study sites are mainly the Venice Lagoon, the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but applications are also possible in other Europe’s or World’s Seas.
Pubblicazioni selezionate:
Barausse A., A. Duci, C. Mazzoldi, Y. Artioli, L. Palmeri. 2009. Trophic network model of the Northern Adriatic Sea: analysis of an exploited and eutrophic ecosystem. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 83: 577-590. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2009.05.003
Nicholson E., B. Collen, A. Barausse, J.L. Blanchard, B.T. Costelloe, K.M.E. Sullivan, F.M. Underwood, R.W. Burn, S. Fritz, J.P.G. Jones, L. McRae, H.P. Possingham, E.J. Milner‐Gulland. 2012. Making robust policy decisions using global biodiversity indicators. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41128. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041128
Bartolini F., A. Barausse, H-O. Pörtner, F. Giomi. 2013. Climate change reduces offspring fitness in littoral spawners: a study integrating organismic response and long-term time-series. Global Change Biology 19: 373-386. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12050.
Barausse A., Correale V., Curkovic A., Finotto L., Riginella E., Visentin E., Mazzoldi C. 2014. The role of fisheries and the environment in driving the decline of elasmobranchs in the northern Adriatic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71: 1593-1603. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fst222
Cinnirella S., R. Sardà, J.L. Suárez de Vivero, R. Brennan, A. Barausse, J. Icely, T. Luisetti, D. March, C. Murciano, A. Newton, T. O’Higgins, L. Palmeri, M.G. Palmieri, P. Raux, S. Rees, J. Albaigés, N. Pirrone, K. Turner. 2014. Steps towards a shared governance response for achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecology and Society 19(4): 47. doi: 10.5751/ES-07065-190447
Palmeri L., A. Barausse, S.E. Jørgensen. 2014. Ecological Processes Handbook. Boca Raton, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group LLC. 386 pp. ISBN 9781466558472. doi: 10.1201/b15380
Barausse A., L. Grechi, N. Martinello, T. Musner, D. Smania, A. Zangaglia, L. Palmeri. 2015. An integrated approach to prevent the erosion of salt marshes in the lagoon of Venice. EQA ‒ Environmental Quality 18: 43-54. doi: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/5799
Navia A.F., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, A. Giraldo, A. Barausse. 2016. The structure of a marine tropical food web, and its implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Ecological Modelling 328: 23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.02.009
Giomi F., A. Barausse, C.M. Duarte, J. Booth, S. Agusti, V. Saderne, A. Anton, D. Daffonchio, M. Fusi. 2019. Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming. Science Advances 5: eaax1814. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax1814
Barausse A., C. Meulenberg, I. Occhipinti, M. Abordi, L. Endrizzi, G. Guadagnin, M. Piron, F. Visintin, L. Vižintin, A. Manzardo. 2022. A methodological proposal for the climate change risk assessment of coastal habitats based on the evaluation of ecosystem services: lessons learnt from the INTERREG project ECO-SMART. Sustainability, 14: 7567. doi: 10.3390/su14137567