• 2 aquarium rooms with glass tanks of different capacities (33 to 120 liters), air-conditioning, adjustable photoperiods and aeration systems;
• 1 thermostated room
• outdoor concrete and PVC housing tanks with once-through water systems
• chemistry lab: fume hoods, multiparametric probes (temperature, pH, turbidity, salinity and dissolved oxygen), analytical scale (3 and 4 decimal places), refrigerated centrifuges (with rotors for microtiter plates, 2ml, 15 ml and 50ml tubes)
• ecology lab: underwater fluorimeter DIVING PAM-II, underwater mini-ROV, GNSS system
• particle and elemental analysis lab: Multisizer 4e Coulter counter, laser grain size analyser, CHNS/O analyser, analytic microscale (5 deciml places)
• histology lab: fume hood, microscopes, ovens, microtome, xylol and ethanol series, paraffin embedding system, otholite polisher
• microscopy lab: stereomicroscopes, optical and fluorescence microscopes; Leica LAS X Suite image analysis software
• water distiller e deionization system
• diving equipment: 1st stage air regulators, air tanks, air compressor;
• field sampling equipment: zooplankton nets, Van Dohrn phytoplankton bottles, sieves, sediment gouges, dessicators, box-corer and multiple size corers
• autoclave, thermostatic chamber with dimmerable fluorescence, lyophilizer, glassware washing machine